I've been the lawyer that businesses come to when everything has gone to hell in a handbasket and needed me to dig them out, sometimes of easily avoidable problems. I finally decided that businesses would be better served by using my expertise BEFORE awful things happen.
I've been a zealous advocate for clients in courtrooms across the country for the past 25+ years and fought disputes against Fortune 500 companies and AmLaw 100 law firms. I've watched both foolishly fought battles and waste of millions of dollars in unending lawsuits that could have been quickly resolved. I can give you the inside scoop on how to spend more time running your business, and less time dealing with lawyers.
My philosophy of practice involves redefining problems, rethinking the options, and creating innovative solutions for her clients.
A little bit about my background. I earned the prestigious Order of Barristers excellence award for courtroom advocacy in law school, then honed my courtroom skills as a prosecutor, public defender, private attorney in Nebraska, and as a Special Prosecutor for Crimes Against Children under a DOJ grant on an Indian reservation. My law firm in San Diego represents clients navigating disputes and proactively protecting legal rights.
I have a passion for justice and am not scared of tough cases. For example, in 2017, I challenged the constitutionality of California state law binding presidential electors, even though Donald J. Trump was expected to (and did) intervene.The companion cases - Baca and Chiafalo - are currently before the US Supreme Court. In 2015, I co-counseled and settled a class action civil rights case against a major housing developer. Previously I represented a small R&D company asserting its patent rights against major international companies represented by most of the prominent US law firms.
As a lawyer committed to positive change in the world, I started a company to raise the profile of freelance lawyers (which was acquired by Montage Legal), and serve on the board of non-profit P.O.C. Enterprises (aka Pissed Off Chicks), and worked with various activist groups.
I don?t always seek the spotlight, though. Law firms and businesses contract with me for my expert writing, meticulous research, ghostwriting, and outsider?s point of view to assist in creating winning strategies.
My book ?Why Lawyers Suck (and the politically correct titled, and award-winning Lawyers Decoded) is a groundbreaking expos‚ on the internal workings of the legal profession and lawyers' mindset. My writing is seen on numerous legal blogs and business websites (and I've ghosted elsewhere).